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The consumer can exercise the right of withdrawal within a period of 14 days from the receipt of goods. This right consists in returning the goods purchased to the supplier without any penalty and without specifying the reason, and in the consequent refund of the purchase price.

We understand the uniqueness of customised products and the special value they bring to our customers. However, due to their bespoke nature, customised products are not subject to return or refund. Each customised product is made according to the specifications provided at the time of order, making it unique to the customer who puchased it. Before confirming your order for a customised product, we invite you to carefully review all customisation options. If you have any doubts or specific requests, please do not hesitate to contact us before placing your order. Our team is on hand to ensure that your customised product fully meets your expectations.

How to exercise the right of withdrawal:

The right of withdrawal is exercised by sending, within the aforementioned term of 14 days from the receipt of goods, a written notice by registered letter with return receipt addressed to: TEK s.r.l. - Via del Tecchione, 32 - 20098 San Giuliano Milanese (MI) - Italy - Tel: +39 02 98284178 Fax: +39 02 98282201
The notice can be sent, within the same term, also by telegram, CEM or fax, provided it is confirmed by registered letter with return receipt within the following 48 hours. This notice must contain the codes of the products that you intend to return, the refund will occur through the same method of payment used by the consumer.
The products subject to reconsideration must be returned by the consumer, in conditions of substantial integrity, to the same address used for the registered letter. Once we receive the goods and verify their integrity, we will, as soon as possible, credit the cost of the returned products to the customer, withholding , where necessary, the amount of shipping costs that will remain charged to the customer.